Sag-In-A-Bag. Try the butt bra. Sexy?

The ass bra. Sexy!

An easy way to put the sag-in-a-bag. Fake the butt you want!

Now hopefully your date won't get too upset that your butt has form of a daily gym teacher. But after you take off the bra. Your butt falls like an attack of the gravity monsters. 

Breasts have had the benefit of brassieres for more than 100 years. Sadly, the derriere has had no equivalent. Until now. Dr. Karin Hart invented the Biniki, a contraption that lifts the butt like a bra lifts the breasts. The result is a more shapely rear end. It is the latest entry in the "functional clothing" category. The Biniki is for men and women.

We've seen underpants with ass-padding, but what about those women who want a little help shaping their derriere and yet don't want to add any extra volume? ahem... JLO!?

There's a void in the undergarment market, and Bubbles Bodywear has taken advantage of it: Meet the Double-O Push-Up Thong, an ass bra, no less" Go undercover with a license to 'shake what your mama gave ya' with the new Double-O Collection!" their Website urges. The Push-Up Thong, they say, "enhances the lift, shape and volume of the derriere while also flattening the lower tummy and shaping the thigh."
At $64, it's not exactly the cheapest solution to a saggy backside. At least you can probably achieve the same effect by cutting holes in your old Spanx.

Give it a try!!

Maximum Push-up Control Thong Brief [Bubbles Bodywear via Slaves to Fashion/Glamour]

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